Potash - 14

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Potash - 14

Potash 14 Granular is a specific type of potash fertilizer that is designed to supply potassium to crops. The "14" typically refers to the percentage of potassium oxide (Kâ‚‚O) it contains. Here’s a detailed overview of Potash 14 Granular.

Key Features:

  1. Potassium Content: Contains approximately 14% potassium oxide (Kâ‚‚O). This indicates the amount of potassium available for plant uptake.
  2. Formulation: Granular form, which makes it easy to apply using standard spreading equipment.
  3. Application: Can be used in a variety of agricultural settings including field crops, vegetables, and fruit crops.

Usage Guidelines:

  • Dosage: The appropriate dosage of Potash 14 Granular depends on soil test results, crop requirements, and specific soil conditions. Generally, the recommended application rate will be provided by the manufacturer or can be determined through soil testing.
  • Application Timing:
    • Pre-Planting: Apply before planting to ensure that potassium is available to the plant as it begins to grow.
    • Side-Dressing: Can be applied during the growing season as a side-dress application to meet the potassium needs of the crop.
  • Method:
    • Broadcast Application: Spread the granular fertilizer evenly over the soil surface.
    • Incorporation: Lightly incorporate the granules into the soil to ensure better contact and uptake by plant roots.
    • Fertigation: Granular forms may also be used in fertigation systems if dissolved properly.


  • Improves Plant Health: Potassium is crucial for plant health, supporting processes such as photosynthesis, protein synthesis, and enzyme activation.
  • Enhances Crop Quality: Contributes to better fruit and vegetable quality, including taste, size, and shelf life.
  • Increases Drought Resistance: Helps plants manage water more effectively, improving drought resistance.


  • Soil Testing: Always conduct soil tests to determine the potassium levels and avoid over-application. Excessive potassium can lead to nutrient imbalances.
  • Environmental Impact: Follow recommended application rates to minimize potential environmental impacts such as nutrient runoff into water bodies.
  • Compatibility: Ensure that Potash 14 Granular is compatible with other fertilizers and soil amendments being used.

Application Tips:

  • Uniform Application: Ensure even distribution across the field to provide consistent nutrient availability.
  • Avoid Over-Fertilization: Adhere to application guidelines to prevent potential negative effects on plant health and the environment.

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