Hunter Bio Pesticides

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Hunter Bio Pesticides

Hunter Bio Pesticides are formulated from natural and biological sources to control pests in agricultural and horticultural settings. These biopesticides offer an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic chemicals, aiming to manage pests while preserving environmental health and beneficial organisms.

Key Features:

  1. Active Ingredients:

    • Natural Extracts: Derived from plants, microorganisms, or other natural sources known for their pesticidal properties.
    • Microbial Agents: Could include bacteria, fungi, or viruses that specifically target pests.
  2. Mode of Action:

    • Repellent: Deters pests from infesting plants.
    • Toxicity: Contains compounds that are toxic to specific pests.
    • Disruption of Development: Interferes with the growth and reproduction of pests.
    • Induction of Plant Defenses: Stimulates the plant's own defense mechanisms against pests.
  3. Formulation: Available in various forms such as liquids, granules, or powders. The specific formulation will depend on the type of biopesticide and its intended use.

  4. Target Pests: Effective against a wide range of pests, including insects, mites, nematodes, and fungal pathogens.


  1. Eco-Friendly: Biodegradable and less harmful to the environment compared to synthetic pesticides.
  2. Safety: Generally safe for humans, animals, and beneficial insects when used as directed.
  3. Sustainability: Supports sustainable farming practices and can be integrated into organic farming systems.
  4. Resistance Management: Helps in managing pesticide resistance due to its multiple modes of action and natural origins.

Usage Guidelines:

  • Dosage: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dilution rates and application amounts. Dosage may vary based on the crop, pest, and environmental conditions.
  • Application Timing:
    • Preventive: Apply before pest populations reach damaging levels.
    • Curative: Apply at the first sign of pest presence to control infestations effectively.
  • Method:
    • Foliar Spray: Apply directly to plant leaves and stems using a sprayer. Ensure thorough coverage for effective pest management.
    • Soil Application: Some formulations may be applied to the soil to control soil-borne pests and diseases.
    • Seed Treatment: Certain biopesticides can be used to treat seeds, providing early protection against pests.


  • Environmental Conditions: The effectiveness of biopesticides can be influenced by temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors. Apply under optimal conditions for best results.
  • Compatibility: Check compatibility with other pesticides and agricultural inputs to avoid adverse interactions.
  • Shelf Life and Storage: Store biopesticides according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to maintain their efficacy.

Application Tips:

  • Uniform Coverage: Ensure even application to all parts of the plant for comprehensive pest control.
  • Reapplication: Depending on pest pressure and environmental conditions, multiple applications may be necessary. Follow manufacturer guidelines for reapplication intervals.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Use Hunter Bio Pesticides as part of an IPM strategy, combining biological, cultural, and mechanical control methods for sustainable pest management.


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Contact Us

  • 6391 Elgin St. Celina,
    Delaware 10299
  • + 1 (246) 333-05455
    + 1 (246) 8558-0088